Support the Golden Heart Community Foundation

The Golden Heart Community Foundation officially became an Affiliate of The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) in January 2013. We focus on growing the Golden Heart Community Foundation Fund – an unrestricted, permanently endowed fund, that allows the most flexibility to determine how best to meet current and future community needs. The funds listed below are advised upon by the Golden Heart Community Foundation.

Golden Heart Community Foundation Grantmaking Endowment Fund

This is our flagship grantmaking endowment fund. The earnings from this endowment are used to award grants through a competitive grant cycle to local qualifying 501(c)(3) nonprofits. This flexible endowment meets the current needs of our community as they arise.  These needs may address any number of issues, such as: social services, hunger, education, arts, and humanities, environmental, and youth services.  As this endowment grows, so does our ability to support causes that Interior Alaskans care about.

Golden Heart Community Foundation Operating Fund

This is our non-endowed fund that we use for our annual and immediate operational needs.

Golden Heart Community Foundation Operating Endowment Fund

This is the vehicle for the GHCF to become self-sustaining by growing a fund that is specifically designed to support our operations. The interest earned from this fund goes to support operating costs, such as: grant programs, newsletters, community events, office operations, marketing, and outreach. This fund is also used to sponsor training events for GHCF and local nonprofit leaders. The Operating Endowment Fund is essential to achieving our mission and supporting our community.

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